One Body Prayer

One Body Prayer:  How Unity in the City Church and Massive Prayer can Change the Battle for the Soul of our City


 There’s a lot of discouragement among Christians today.  It seems like not only are our churches not growing, but we are losing our own children to ways and values of a godless world.  To reverse this trend, we have tried just about everything—except restoring the unity of the Body of Christ in the heart of the city.  Jesus himself said, a kingdom that is divided against itself will not stand.  What would happen, though, if all the separate pieces and parts of a divided Christianity were to meet at the foot of the cross?  What if the Body in the City were put back together, and connected to Christ the Head?  What if we prayed with one voice, in perfect agreement, for His kingdom to come with power? 


That’s what this course is about.  What might happen; what has already happened when past believers took actual steps of obedience; and a game plan—the first simple steps to see the Body of Christ knit back together—and go to battle!