History of the Restoration Movement
Two hundred years ago, godly leaders from different Protestant backgrounds, saddened by the evil which religious division was doing to Christ’s work on earth, determined to appeal for the unity of all believers through the rejection of divisive human creeds and traditions and a return to God-inspired scripture as the sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. This produced the first indigenous Christian fellowship in the United States, and from it grew Christian Churches, Disciples of Christ and Churches of Christ. We will become acquainted with great Restoration leaders of the past, will study the movement’s triumphs and failures, and those of us who are heirs of this movement will learn much about who and where we are today. Any student will find this an interesting study in the search for the Biblical basis of Christian unity. Two textbooks will be used: Dr. Bill Humble’s Story of the Restoration and Restoration Readings edited by Dr. Humble.